

Over 20 years experience in promoting live events, including in-house shows, city-wide festivals, film screenings and drag performances.


Stage Management

From small intimate performances to 1000+ capacity venues on strict time-schedules, I can supervise artists and stage crew alike.


Artist Liaison

Friendly communication artists love, efficient backstage service Tour Managers and crew need. Everything taken care of from the first email to the last load-out.


My events ethos


Safety and Accessibility

I am committed to making my home venue, Moles, a safe place for everyone.

I have collaborated with Attitude is Everything to draw up an accessibility statement and introduce accessibility training. We frequently partner with Safe Gigs For Women. In 2019 I sat on the community panel for the #NeverOK anti-harassment campaign, which lead to me creating the training video which is now used in venues in Bath to train staff.


Passionate about independent

Working in a grassroots venue, particularly one with such a longstanding heritage as Moles, has given me a deep admiration for the importance of small venues within the larger music sector. I am immensely grateful for the work of Music Venues Trust and in 2018 participated on a panel at Venues Day discussing riders in terms of wastage and responsible consumption.


LGBTQA+ Equality and Inclusivity

As a member of the LGBTQA+ community myself, I’m enthusiastic about diverse events and creating safe space for queer people. I run a regular drag night ‘Wig!’ as well as instigating Pride Week at Moles, which in 2019 included a quiz, live music, clubnights and drag performance, all with queer artists front and centre.
