My events ethos
Safety and Accessibility
I am committed to making my home venue, Moles, a safe place for everyone.
I have collaborated with Attitude is Everything to draw up an accessibility statement and introduce accessibility training. We frequently partner with Safe Gigs For Women. In 2019 I sat on the community panel for the #NeverOK anti-harassment campaign, which lead to me creating the training video which is now used in venues in Bath to train staff.
Passionate about independent
Working in a grassroots venue, particularly one with such a longstanding heritage as Moles, has given me a deep admiration for the importance of small venues within the larger music sector. I am immensely grateful for the work of Music Venues Trust and in 2018 participated on a panel at Venues Day discussing riders in terms of wastage and responsible consumption.
LGBTQA+ Equality and Inclusivity
As a member of the LGBTQA+ community myself, I’m enthusiastic about diverse events and creating safe space for queer people. I run a regular drag night ‘Wig!’ as well as instigating Pride Week at Moles, which in 2019 included a quiz, live music, clubnights and drag performance, all with queer artists front and centre.